When a photographer chooses to save to the CLOS Cloud the photos are initially saved to the subject's device cache memory. If the subject's internet connection is fast, the photos are uploaded to the CLOS Cloud in real-time during the shoot. If the internet connection is slow or unstable, the photos will begin to be uploaded to the Cloud after the shooting session is over and the subject leaves the room.
To speed up the uploading, the subject needs to navigate to the main screen of the CLOS app and keep the app running in the foreground, with the phone unlocked at all times during the upload of photos.
If you as a model/subject feel like the uploading to the CLOS Cloud stuck make sure to exit the virtual room. Try to restart the app by swiping it up and opening it again. Also connecting to a stronger WI-FI should help to restart the uploading process.
Please don't delete the app before all the images are uploaded to the CLOS Cloud. Otherwise all the images will be lost.